Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

if its not this..then its that

well of course i had to miss therapy again the end of this i had a dr's appointment and a meeting with my lawyers about the lawsuit with that guys insurance company..and at the dr. its official i have strep again-so i feel like just seems like if its not this it has to be that always with everything but ah well.. like for so long i wanted to walk without my crutches and i finally could now i want to drive so bad and that happens next week [lets keep fingers crossed] but i dnt have a car and then once i get a car i will wanna go back to work..GRRRR but today at the lawyers meeting..hmmm it went well- and i am happy we are sueing his insurance because i dont wanna make that suffer--from what i've been told he feels bad enough so i dont want him to have to pay a crazy amt of money--it was an accident..for all we know this could have happened to your mom, your sister or you could have ran the red light so i really have no anger at that man..none at all--i mean i am not happy about it but i am just mad--in general not at anyone in particular
well let me just i really really really really miss my drew bear=[ he talks to me all the time but its not the same.. its almost as if my world has fallen apart or completelt upside down but when he is around its like everything is okay=[=[ grrrrrr i miss him soo much
but on a good note-i got antibiotics today so my strep should not be around much longer
ttfn-cassidy kaitlyn

Monday, January 19, 2009

what i am trying to say is baby i feel a change-Magic(Colbie Callait)

Oh how wonder ful today went I finally found out that I get to take my driving test/evaluation next Tuesday then it will feel like I am getting my life back..that is the biggest part=] at therapy today, again it made me wonder why I am still going beside the driving my opnion I am back not to normal bc I don’t think I ever was normal but as normal as it gets.. I went to Purdue this weekend to see my drew bear and it was an amazing Saturday I was with my drew and Charlotte Russe at the mall =]..cant get much better that I had some seriou self control due to the fact that I am dead broke I ended up only walking out with jean,shirt, and perfume- that was good with all the things I really really wanted
we did go eat at bdubs up there which was good but nothing can beat the one in plainfield..i gotta represent-that is MY bdubs speaking of that as soon as i pass my driving thing i will be working on going back to work=]=]then it will be -almost-there, me getting my life back!! yaaaay and before i go i must say like i always do i miss my drew sooo much more than humanly possible..i top it off if there is a missing record i am blowing it out of the water fo sure
well ttfn
-cassidy kaitlyn

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