Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

...more of the same...

Still here at the hospital hanging with my family. Nothing is new. She is resting, with no stimulation and no visitation.

They did take the EEG maching off...but we have no idea when we will have the results. They have to look at it, watch the video...etc. We just don't know. She is STILL on lock down to get her rest.

If anything changes, I'll let you know.

Aunt B

EEG Test Continues...

She did well during the night. A few coughing spells, but nothing major. Her mom was heartbroken she didn't get to sleep in her room last night for fear of messing up the test results.

She is STILL on the EEG machines, and she remains on lock down....I mean serious lock down. Last night, her sisters got to go in for a minute before they left, but they where instructed not to move, talk or touch' breaking our hearts.

We hope to see her off the breathing machine today...but I am learning not to get too excited about anything until it happens.

We are headed to my son's football game.....the last place I saw Cassidy tickling my kids and laughing before the accident. WOW it has been a week today........

I'll be headed to the hospital after that. I'll update this afternoon.

Aunt B

Friday, September 19, 2008


She has been put on an EEG machine. This monitors her brain for odd activity and seizures. It is just as a precautionary , but worries us non the less.

She is not allowed ANY visitor but mom and dad for at least 24 hours. Any stimulation she could get for visitors, will give them inaccurate results for the test. DOCTORS ORDERS.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT come to the hospital. She can not have visitors....we need her to heal. Please respect the families wishes and stay at home.

They are turning her breathing machine down to let her breathe more on her own. We hope to have it out in a day or two.

We just still don't know what kind of memory or what kind of condition her brain will be in when she wakes up.....

...I just wish she could wake up RIGHT NOW and yell at us to quite worrying!!! Hour by hour by hour, it seems we keep hearing something different, which makes you worry about something else....its torture for us.

Please continue your support in thoughts, prayers and messages. I can't wait for her to wake up and read this one day and see all the love and support she had while she was healing.

Aunt B

My visit...

Just got back from sitting with Cassidy. She looks peaceful. We are hopeful that the tube will come out in a day or two and we will see her pretty eyes and hear her pretty voice soon.

Doctors have instructed us that she is and will remain on lock down visitation. Reason is, due to the bruising on her brain, she needs MONITORED stimulation. We are not allowed to try and wake her up, only the doctors. Due to the bruises, over stimulation is just as bad as under stimulation, so they are to monitor it.

When we visit it is as few as possible and we are to talk in low soft voices or nothing at all.

Again, I know you all love her, but the best thing for her right now is to rest and heal.

I'll blog again later....

Aunt B

Going for a visit

I stayed away all day yesterday...I can't today.

I am headed up to the hospital this morning. I plan on taking my laptop and rumor has it, you get free wireless in the cafeteria. I don't think I'll EAT, but I am going to blog.

I will try and post any info I get today, promise. We are waiting to hear from the neurology team and hoping they can tell us when we can try to start waking her up.

Aunt B

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What can I do??

Just wanted to let you all know, it has been an uneventful day…thank goodness. She has rested peacefully all day….which is just what the doctor ordered.

A lot of you have asked “What can I do?”

The gracious Fifth Third Bank in Camby is doing a WONDERFUL thing for Cassidy. You can send a check to the bank, and they will deposit it directly into her account. She will be able to use this for bills or whatever she will need when she wakes up. Her independence was VERY important to her, and we are going to do everything we can to help her keep it until SHE can decide what she wants to do. So, if you would like to make a donation, please stop by the bank or mail your check to:

Fifth Third Bank
Donation for Cassidy
Attn: Sam Pavy
8430 Windfall Lane
Camby, IN 46113

A thousand thank yous to the kind and gracious people at Fifth Third Bank that have been helping us. A special thank you to Sam for volunteering to traffic the mail….now lets make him work! =)

Thank you all for all your thoughts and prayers….she needs them.

Aunt B


No surgery on Friday!!!!

Surgeon just said based on the MRI that the back of the pelvis has become a small fracture, and they don't see a need for surgery!!!!!! WHEEEEHOOOO!!!

It is still suggested she stay sedated and rested for today, she had a busy night. The neurology team is still running their assessment on the MRI (nerve damage etc.) so we are waiting for those results next.

No time frame on her waking up YET...but I am hoping for this weekend!!!

MRI Results

We got the results. Everything is still vague. They did find bruises on her brain. Just like on the body, it takes some time for bruises to show up. They believe it is from the impact of the wreak. The bruises will heal, and should be fine. In regards to her left side, we just don't know. We need to wait until we can wake her up and she can tell us "It HURTS, that's why I wasn't moving it!!"

She is on restricted visitation all day today. They are giving her Codeine, and we ALL know THAT will knock her out. She is to rest, rest rest. Surgery is still scheduled for Friday morning. They will keep her sedated afterward to help with the pain.

We HOPE we can start trying to wake her up FOR GOOD starting sunday. But we will see. If anything else changes, I will let you know....but don't be surprised if there is no more blogs until friday afternoon after the surgery.

Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.... Aunt B

PS Sorry about the wrong date and time....I'm trying to fix it!!!

....another waiting day....

The nurse at the waiting room desk is not answering the phone. I don't want to wake up my sister if she is still sleeping. I'm taking it that no news is fine. She was going to call me if they heard the results of the MRI last night, but did not expect too.

As soon as I get hold of my sister or the nurse, I'll let you all know...but I'm sure she slept all night and there is no news for right now.

UPDATE: Just talked to Larry. They took her back at midnight for her MRI and they expect to talk to the doctor at rounds this morning. I'll blog as soon as I know something...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Goodnight sweetheart......

Just got an update. She WILL be having the MRI before midnight tonight. It will take a few hours and we will not hear the results until sometime tomorrow.

She has been resting all evening and her vitals are stable.

Please understand we are not keeping you from her. Every visitor she has is a risk of infections, colds, flu's etc. It is in HER best interest to keep her visitors to a minimum. You will be able to see her once she is AWAKE, talking are ready. She is going to be JUST FINE, it will just a long road to recovery. Please respect this request, it is the best for Cassidy.

Until tomorrow....

Aunt B

...change of plans....

I just got back from the hospital visiting with Cassidy and the family. They do have to do another surgery to repair the other fracture in her pelvis. This has been scheduled for Friday morning. It has been pretty much decided that they will be keeping her on her pain and sedation medicine until after that surgery now, since it is in a few days.

She has NOT had the MRI yet. Since she is not a life threatening case, they are going to work her in later tonight. We have NO time frame on that.

She has responded a few time to a few commands, but seems to be in pain, so they keep her comfortable.

If anything else changes, I will let you know.

...little update....

They scheduled another CAT/MRI (not sure which) today to check her brain activity. They said they need her to WAKE up, open her eyes and respond to the commands they give her before they can take the tubes out. The family believes she is having a hard time waking up because the girl NEVER took pain medicine and she's been out for days, it will be hard for her too.

Pray for her to respond.....

Night after surgery...

No news is good news. Her mom said she looked peaceful, and she slept all night. No word on what is next. When the doc talk to the family and we get any kind of time frame about anything, I well let you know HERE.

Aunt B

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cassidy the story...

You are all so wonderful!! Thank you for all your prayers, concerns, messages, texts and phone calls. We all know how important Cassidy is to you all!!

There has been some miscommunication going on due to Cassidy’s condition. Kinda like when you play telephone in kindergarten. After you say it 100 times, the end result is so NOT what was said in the beginning.

SO, here is the store, from the beginning….

Saturday morning, beautiful girl Cassidy, had attended my sons flag football game, was headed home to take a shower and was so excited to attend the Kenny Chesney concert with her boy Drew. Around 11am, an SUV T-boned her at 38th and 465. He ran and red light, and admitted he was on his cell phone. We have heard he WAS remorseful, even crying. He was giving a breathalyzer and even a blood test I believe, and WAS NOT drunk. We have been told she was unconscious as soon as someone was on the scene.

When she arrived at the hospital, she was given a CAT scan, and everything looked good. A few cuts on her face and head (from the glass) but nothing major. She was then given another CAT scan about 24hours later, due to the concern of her not moving her left side a lot, or when asked by the nurses. It came back just fine. WE believe her left side is just so SORE that she just prefers not to move it.

She is SEDATED to manage her pain, not in a coma. They let the sedation wear off just enough for her to squeeze hands, move her arms, legs, and toes and then they sedate her again. We are STILL concerned about the major concussion she has suffered. We don’t know if she will have memory loss yet.

She is on a breathing machine but not life support. She can breathe on her own with a little help from the machine. They don’t want her to get tired from breathing and her body needs a lot of oxygen to heal. They mention maybe a SMALL infection and she started antibiotics 48 hours ago. If this was a big concern, they would NOT have done surgery.

A full body X-ray showed there was a fracture at the BALL of the femur (where it goes into the hip) and that her pelvis was broke in a few places as well. We had originally thought we where told her pelvis was CRUSHED and later found out this was NOT the case. A few breaks, in my opinion, is better then CRUSHED.

They have reset her leg, attended to the fracture in the ball of the femur and fixed one crack in her pelvis. They are 75% sure she will have to have surgery one more time to fix the other crack in the pelvis. They where unable to do it today in fear it would be too long of a surgery and too much trauma.

We are not sure YET, but we are hoping they will start weaning her off the breathing machine and let her wake up in a few days.

I I know you are ALL waiting to visit her. But I have to be honest; we don’t know WHEN that will be. She has had some MAJOR trauma, and we don’t know WHEN she will be able to come out of sedation, and when she does, we don’t know WHAT kind of condition she will be in. PLEASE be patient, we are doing what is best for Cassidy. Imagine if YOU where in her shoes, wake up and have no idea WHAT happened and are in pain all over! You may NOT want to see LOTS of people right a way. As soon as she is ready, we WILL let you see her, promise.

She has a long road ahead of her. We still believe she won’t be able to even put pressure on her feet for 3 MONTHS. After that, she will be in therapy for a LONG time learning how to walk again. We, the family, and Cassidy will need ALL of you then!! You KNOW that girl can NOT sit that long!! She will need entertained!!

There will be a day when you all will be saying “Man, Cassidy is calling me AGAIN to come watch a Disney movie with her!!!” ….and I know, we all just can’t WAIT for that day to come! =)

Until tomorrow….

Aunt B

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