Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

EEG Test Continues...

She did well during the night. A few coughing spells, but nothing major. Her mom was heartbroken she didn't get to sleep in her room last night for fear of messing up the test results.

She is STILL on the EEG machines, and she remains on lock down....I mean serious lock down. Last night, her sisters got to go in for a minute before they left, but they where instructed not to move, talk or touch' breaking our hearts.

We hope to see her off the breathing machine today...but I am learning not to get too excited about anything until it happens.

We are headed to my son's football game.....the last place I saw Cassidy tickling my kids and laughing before the accident. WOW it has been a week today........

I'll be headed to the hospital after that. I'll update this afternoon.

Aunt B

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aunt B,

You are so amazing for keeping us all updated. I could not even email people the first few weeks because of all the emotions. I know it is hard! Thanks for all the info! I will still keep her in my thoughts. Remember, if you need anything, please call me.

Can't wait to see you Cassidy! We all think about you and love you!

You are in my prayers!
Rachel (Ms. Lamb) :D

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