Thank you B-Dub (Buffalo Wild Wings) girls!! We talked to a few of you, and decided to take your tips and buy Cassidy a brand new 120GB Zune!!! (like an IPOD) We went with this because it seemed to be the most space for your money and has a MUCH bigger screen and easier buttons for navigation. We are hoping this will help with her hand and eye coordination and give her some sanity by having some of her music.
How WONDERFUL you all are to donate your tips!! And we will make sure SHE KNOWS you girls bought it for her!!!
I have about 20 CD’s of hers that I am going to get to MP3’s and put on the Zune. If there is any song that you just know Cassidy would LOVE to have on her new Zune, please email me at the Title and the artist. Once I get a list compiled, I will download them.
Think of the song she ALWAYS turned up on the radio in the car…or the song you ALWAYS HAD to listen to and sing at the top of your lungs!! Music can take you back to a very specific time and place in your life just by hearing THAT song….let’s do that for her and help her escape every now and then….just make sure it is a HAPPY memory, kay =)
Thanks girls!!
Aunt B
PS We DID visit today and she is doing good! I’m going to get Uncle Gregg to blog on that later!
Cutiest twins EVER!!
Aren't they CUTE!!! I love taking their photos, and they are getting so
BIG!! Thanks Nicole for letting me capture your babies. Happy 1st birthday!!
15 years ago