Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


No surgery on Friday!!!!

Surgeon just said based on the MRI that the back of the pelvis has become a small fracture, and they don't see a need for surgery!!!!!! WHEEEEHOOOO!!!

It is still suggested she stay sedated and rested for today, she had a busy night. The neurology team is still running their assessment on the MRI (nerve damage etc.) so we are waiting for those results next.

No time frame on her waking up YET...but I am hoping for this weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

Aunt B,
You have no idea who I am, but I was a teacher of the Mo/Sev class at Mooresville. Cassidy would stay after school in my classroom and she was part of Best Buddies. We also went to church together!

Anyway, I know EXACTLY what you and your family are going through at this time. My family was in Florida on July 14th, 2008 and my father was t-boned at a stop sign on a motorcycle. (girl was on a cell phone) He broke both his bones in his lower leg (coming out of skin) and his ball of the hip went through the cup of his pelvis. He did not lose conciousness, but he was in the hospital for 7 weeks in florida. My mother and I stayed with him the whole time. The first 72 hours were the worst and the longest, but thank God she has past them. He had 5 surgeries while we were in Florida. He also had two skin grafts! He still cannot put any weight on his left leg, but it will not be too long from now.
I think God has a big plan for everyone and no one knows why things happen the way they do at the time they happen. I know that this may sound crazy, but I do know EXACTLY what you are going through and what is happening. I just heard all of the same stuff from the doctors less than 2 months ago. IF I CAN HELP YOU IN ANY WAY, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, DON'T HESITATE TO CALL!!! We are still going to go through a lot of therapy also with my father (beings he has not yet even walked) and he will have to relearn walking all over again too!! Who is your doctor? Dr. Jelen? Dr. Mullis? My father is seeing Jelen now, if that can happen, he is one heck of a DR.!!
I would love to be able to talk to Kenny face to face as soon as I can! I can help him think about what will happen in the future, etc.. I have been there and I am going through it now!! I think things happen for a reason, and I want to be able to help your family as much as possible!!
You are definetly in our thought and prayers!
My cell phone: 317-797-6579 Call if you need anything.
Rachel Lamb

Enderle Photography said...

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry you know what we are going awful for you as well.

I will be sure to give Kenny the message.

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