Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Up again!!

Yep, I got there this morning and she had been awake for a few hours...she's not happy thou. It won't be to long she'll be sitting up and trying to talk/eat/drink, I'm sure. I got a dirty look when I said Good Morning today. =) Too many people, too much confusion, frustration and still some pain.

She tries to sit up, she asks for a drink, she tries to yank the tube out of her nose....she is not happy! That is SUCH a good thing!!! I love seeing her have an's SO her!!

It won't be long now....she is doing so well and come so far! I'm so excited....even if it was a dirty look I got this morning!! =)

The family is meeting with the neurologist tomorrow morning, we'll know more about what is to come next after that.

Aunt B


Anonymous said...

this is such amazing news. Devin and I are still praying and thinking of you all everyday! We can't wait to see her!

Enderle Photography said...

Thank you!! IT is AMAZING!!! I am so happy!! Thank you for all you have done and all your thoughts and prayers!!

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