Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

more about my reggie wayne

Hmmm lets see,since the last time I wrote I got to see mister reggie wayne=]=]=]=]I went to ricks boatyard again=] it was amazing..i am telling u he really does loove me and I asked him if he has met chad johnsosn he said yes ..our convo:
CASS: I have a random question, have you met chad johnson?
REGGIE: yeah I have
ME: is he as big of jerk as it seems like on tv
REGGIE: neeh he is a pretty good guy
Lol not only did ask him that but I really wanted to know if he had ever met randy moss and he said yes so I told him well next time you see him tell him is my Exboyfriend and regggie was like I will be sure and do that..and its true reggie cares and he is such a sweet heart but randy moss might know I exist and by the way thanks dennis, but he wouldn’t do alll the stuff that reggie does=]
Okay well therapy this week has been-eh soo soo. Same old same old – bleh well that’s alll I just wanted to update ya on reggie!!! And our love yes I said it OUR love …
This week has been so slow cause drew is not coming this weekend and I just want this weeek and next week over so I can drew..he comes home on the 20th so 10 more days;(
Well ttfn
Love always, -cassidy kaitlyn xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're welcome Cassidy. I'm still hoping that you will hear from Randy. Maybe when Reggie tells him he is now your "ex" it will make him jealous. (-:

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