Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

REGGIEWAYNE..randy who??

today had to be the BEST night ever ..i got to to go see reggie wayne we went to ricks boathouse and thats where he is every tuesday for a radio talk show!! the only thing i know is he is AMAZZING and even came up to me before he left to give me a hug!!!! and we talked for a bit ... i am telling you i have got to be his number one fan he even signed my crutch!!!! and i got my pic taken with him and i got pictures of us hugging too!! that made my day / life!!!=] thats the only reason i thank god for letting me get injured so bad ...other wise i would never be able to get as close to him!!!!
from reggie to drew- i have not got to write much about him and he has been there for me through everything and i know i will marry him (or reggie)[either one sounds great!] and he is my best friend=] i call him my rock cause no matter what he is there for me and he spoils me soooo much i just love him
i dont have the internet at home so i will only post every once in a while...[blahh]

You can see pictures on my aunts blog HERE.


Kristi S said...

I am so jealous! I've always liked Reggie Wayne and i am sooo glad that he recognizes what a cool, awesome, amazing girl you are! That makes him even more awesome in my book!! Love ya honey! xoxo

Anonymous said...

all i can say is AWESOME!! i love you cass!! i am so happy for you, and you still look as pretty as ever!

how could reggie not know who you are, i am sure he knew before the accident..i am sure he caught you drooling over him on tuesdays at work.... remember...

anyway love ya! call me soon!

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