Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


The next week is gonna take soooo long … I cant keep up with this blog cause my lap top in my room wont get to my blog its blocked through my wireless- not to mention I have therapy all day and I know it will be like that when I get out too… practically like a full time job but I will eventually have go back to bdubs to make some money which they will work me aton- and I know I made the 4th floor sound like I hated them but the nurses are nice too at least som of them I have favorites up here too like niko and jeanna and a different brenda, but no one can beat heather and brenda thast for sure- I am telling you being here just sucks ..its like you have to ask to do everything even worse than school – like when I go to the bathroom with a nurse, except niko, the nurse would stay in there until I pulled my pants down and I hate being even kinda nakey infront of someone and my sister said that I would be able to roll around in my wheel chair and if a random person walked by I would be able to say “man, she has seen me nakey” sooooo true. My rule was only brenda and heather could give me a shower that’s when I was on the 3rd floor and the other thing I miss about being there is doctor mims he is soooo nice and always makes me smile A LOT!!!!! I cant wait to leave but I will come back to visit my nurses and stuff A LOT and most of my therapists- and my family has been there for me all along the way… even before the wreck…it takes something like this to see people’s true colors which I am shocked by some


USM and Pop said...

I Can See
Today's Scripture
“I don’t know whether he is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!” (John 9:25).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Jesus healed a blind man and the religious crowd got all upset. They started arguing over why he was healed, and how he was healed, and who was to blame for him being blind in the first place. They were hounding the man with questions. Finally, the man said, “Listen, guys. You all are confusing me. I can’t answer all of your questions. All I can tell you is this; I was blind, but now I can see.” He was saying, in effect, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. He was saying, “You can argue all day long, but I know the reason I can see is because of God’s healing in my life.”

There are people today who don’t think we are supposed to be blessed. They don’t think that God wants us to prosper and live in victory. But it’s too late to convince me because I’ve already experienced His blessing. He’s already prospered me. He’s already opened up supernatural doors. And a person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with an argument. Some people don’t believe that God can still heal. But it’s too late to convince me. I’ve already seen how God healed my mother of terminal cancer in 1981. Some people don’t think that your dreams can come to pass. It’s too late to convince me. I see people live their dreams every day. I’ve seen God do more than I could even ask or think. And I believe He will do the same for you!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for opening the eyes of my heart so that I can, first of all, see You and see every good thing You have in store for me. I look to You with an attitude of faith and expectancy. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Anonymous said...

HEY CUZ! It's Jill. Your sis told me the GREAT news about you getting out on the 13th. YAY!!!! How are you holding up?

Danielle told me some of the amazing progress and I want you to know that I am SO PROUD of you!!! You are beautiful as ever and always remember all this will make you a stronger person in the end. In years to come you will have a wonderful and powerful story to tell. Don't you give up the fight!

I can't tell you how much of a relief it was for me to see you the last time I did. HUGE!

If there is anything you need just let me know.

Love you

you can email me at

Anonymous said...

Cass... its Taryn... i miss you soo much... hope your great... your one of the strongest girls i know so i know youll make it out ok... Sandy has been keepin me updated on how your doing... i cant wait till i get a chance to see you ... keep your head up girl and stay strong i have been praying for you... i love you!!

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