Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.
email me through this account ... i have therapy all day but at night text me ASAP!!!! i cant sleep lol. ugh and thanks auntB for keep putting blogs up!
Hey Cass I'm so proud of you! You are much stronger than I could ever be. Sorry I haven't been up there this week, but I'll try to get up real soon (unless you get home first!!!). Love Ya Girly!! Erin
I'm Marcus' (Leo's friend) mom. Our family has been praying for you and I'm so glad to hear that you are improving so much. I can't wait to see you at your Aunt B's at one of their fun parties. Keep pushing hard, we are cheering for you and praying. Keep up all the good work! Every Blessing, Missy
Cutiest twins EVER!!
Aren't they CUTE!!! I love taking their photos, and they are getting so
BIG!! Thanks Nicole for letting me capture your babies. Happy 1st birthday!!
15 years ago
Senior Pictures
Some of you expressed interest in buying some of her senior photos. Below is a link to the website where you can purchase some.
Enderle Photography is me, I took the photos. All proceeds will go to Cassidy and her family. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU THAT HAVE PURCHASED PHOTOS
Some Things about Cassidy she wrote on her Myspace:
living life to the fullest..&& taking one step at a time..
officially an adult.. YES! tend to hang with the boyys ♥ I♥jesus. ♥ orangepop=amazing ♥ tend to get confused a lot..but by no means am I ablonde ♥ my feet..usually have nothing but the natural earth/pavement to walk on..however when I actually wear shoes..they are flipflops ♥ hate the “r” word..(retard).it’s the worst ♥ some call me ghetto.. ♥
Trust in the Lord with all your ♥heart && lean not on your own understanding-Proverbs 3:5 teach it. love it. live it.^ ♥ (this is a tattoo on her foot)
verry independent ♥ crazzzy obsession with Randy Moss ♥ i hate feeeeet but mine sure are cute ♥ i spend my free time at barnes&noble..&& that might make me a nerd ♥ i am okay with that..its whatev! ♥ sometimes..i just dance ♥ i never get enough time with my kids. i love them so much.♥ ♥ Bdubs has taken over my life.some call me a workaholic. ♥ i usually name cars. ♥ mine is harold. ♥ hate when someone doesnt like me. ♥ it makes mefrown. ♥ much rather be in a kini on the beach..always ♥ no one will know if i am sad but everyone will know when i am mad..its my flaw sorry. ♥ no matter how much i complain about my J.O.B I♥it. very stubborn. ♥ you can call me four eyes. ♥ iliketrucks. ♥ my heart has been broken.. ♥ over it. ♥ no one will ever compare to the man that my uncle is and the man my grandpa was..EVER. ♥ i♥my friends..more than anything!they are the best promise!
sometimes you just have to look deeper ♥
Who I'd like to meet: my savior JESUS && kelly clarkson and i am pretty sure i would stop breathing if randy moss was in the same room as me.. just saying
Hey Cass I'm so proud of you! You are much stronger than I could ever be. Sorry I haven't been up there this week, but I'll try to get up real soon (unless you get home first!!!). Love Ya Girly!!
Hi Cassidy,
I'm Marcus' (Leo's friend) mom. Our family has been praying for you and I'm so glad to hear that you are improving so much. I can't wait to see you at your Aunt B's at one of their fun parties. Keep pushing hard, we are cheering for you and praying. Keep up all the good work!
Every Blessing,
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