Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Monday, September 22, 2008

More Good News

Sorry for the late update. It is unfortunate that my life doesn't stop when my family needs me. Nothing is cleaning, delivering,washing, feeding or cooking itself while I am trying to be there every possible moment for my sister and my niece. I am trying to get some things done today and stay away from the one place I can't stop thinking about and where I think I should be.

My sister meet with the Neurologist this morning. Everything is looking better. She is getting even more responsive, and more determined to open her eyes. The neurologist seemed to have a good outlook.

We have not got the results for the EEG, but it's taken this long, we are assuming that there is not much to tell or we would of heard by now.

It is still family members only. She needs her rest, and the doctors are still monitoring her stimulation so we are careful not to over stimulate her.

Keep praying her pain goes away and she has the strength to open those beautiful eyes and talk.


Angie Seaman said...

Hey the post up and on my blog just now. I know the prayers will work. I'm confident of it. Thanks for the pictures to use. It always helps to have a face with the name. Big hugs to all of you. I'm praying incessantly!
In his grip, Angie

Anonymous said...


My prayers are with Cassidy, with you, and with your family! Love,

Enderle Photography said...

Thanks girls!!! We need it!!

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