Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's all just a waiting game right now

She has been taken off the breathing machine, and she is breathing on her own. She is coughing up some stuff, which is a good sign.

I want you all to understand just what we are waiting for.

Due to the impact/damage/bruising on her brain, we don't know when or how she will be when she wakes up. We need her to rest so her brain can heal and heal properly.

We are waiting for EEG results, so we will know if she have been enduring seizures or not.

We are waiting for her pelvis from her surgery to heal, so if she is TRYING to come to, she won't be in excruciating pain.

We are waiting for the neurologist to give us their assessment of the MRI. What extent of nerve damage she may have , etc.

Based on her blood pressure, they believe she is still in a lot of pain. She is not going back on sedation medicine, but they are going to give her more pain medicine to manage her pain and keep her rested.

Doctors orders, no visitation no stimulation....she needs to heal.

Waiting, waiting, waiting.....that's all we are doing........

Aunt B


Anonymous said...

I am Cassidy's F200 and F110 instructor. I've been keeping in touch with Sherry, and please know that Cassidy and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for keeping us posted on the blog.
Debbie Keller

froggygirl said...
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