Cassidy is a beautiful girl that had everything going for her....until September 13th when she was T-boned by an SUV. Here is where she is keeping her enormous amount of family and friends updated on her condition.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Glimmers of hope....

She keeps squeezing hands, moving her legs, wiggling toes, and crying at the sound of some of our voices....

....she's still in there....just can't wake up yet. Too many drugs, too much pain....

...I can't wait to see her smiling face again....


SusanLowry said...

Such good signs! Thinking of you all.

Unknown said...

YAY!!! I love good news! Keeping you all in my thoughts!

Missy said...

Oh, good! That makes me feel so much better! We are all praying for her. I put a link from our family blog to this blog. They are all praying as well.
I can't wait to see her at an Enderle get-together!

Kristen said...

So glad to hear she is doing a little better..

love Kristen :]

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